Let the Lion Out…
“The best apology for the gospel is to let the gospel out. Preach Jesus Christ and him crucified. Let the Lion out, and see who will dare to approach him.”
Charles Spurgeon - “Christ and His Co-Workers” - June 10, 1886
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Happy Reformation Day!
More than 500 years have passed since the day a monk and his mallet changed the world. Yet, that day and its corresponding lessons are worthy of our remembrance on this day.

Open up the doors…
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Men…lift your voice and SING!
Our faith is one that sings! One of the most encouraging sounds is hearing men lifting their voices in song unashamedly, boldly, and worshipfully.

Exploring Election
For many the doctrine of election is an unexplored truth of Scripture. Growing up in church I never remember the word or subject ever being spoken or preached. Many others, no doubt, could say the same. It is unfortunate that this is so. In this post you’ll find a link to paper I wrote more than a decade ago as I explored the truth of election from Scripture.

Easter Everyday
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Covid-19: Feed your Faith not your Fears
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The Sanctity of Life…in the Church Pew
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A New Year’s Resolution - Bring Your Bible with You
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Why I Believe in Expository Preaching
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