“For I am not ashamed of the gospel. For it is the power of God unto salvation, to everyone who believes.”
Romans 1:16
The gospel is good news that we need everyday. Unfortunately, too many Christians only see the gospel as a message they needed once. They have believed the gospel, but now they no longer sense their need for the gospel. But nothing could be further from the truth.. Not only as sinners did we need the gospel, but even as saints we still need the gospel.
Why? Because the gospel is the power of God at work in our lives as followers of Christ. To the church at Corinth the Apostle Paul wrote, “For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” The word of the cross (the gospel) was essential for the believers in Corinth, for Paul, and is essential for you and me today. So rather than keeping the gospel confined away to the beginning of our Christian life, we must let it out to impact every aspect of our living and experience God’s power at work.
The Loosed Lion is published to help Christians un-cage the gospel in their lives. My aim is to present readers with articles and resources that can help them bring the gospel to the forefront of their lives in order to see its power on display for the glory of God.