09/06/2020 - Election - Part 3: Implications - Ephesians 1:4
The doctrine of election isn’t merely an ivory tower discipline for seasoned theologians. Many spiritual benefits and blessings can be applied from the doctrine. This final sermon in the short series on election explores those practical implications.
08/30/2020 - Election - Part 2: Objections - Ephesians 1:4
This second part of the series on the doctrine of election looks at tensions and objections often associated with unconditional election.
08/23/2020 - Election - Part 1: Unconditional - Ephesians 1:4
The doctrine of election is often unconsidered by many Christians and Churches. However, for the Apostle Paul it was a reason for profound praise to God. This is the first sermon in a short series exploring the doctrine of unconditional election.
08/16/2020 - Praise God - Ephesians 1:3-14
Paul’s pen pours forth praise to the triune God in the opening section of Ephesians.
08 /09/2020 - In Him: Riches and Relationships - Ephesians 1:1-2
An overview of the book of Ephesians and it’s message that in Christ the Christian has bountiful riches and beautiful relationships.
07/26/2020 - Elders - Part 3: Responsibility - Titus 1:5-9
What do elders do? This sermon looks at the responsibility of elders to the church and the church to its elders.
07/19/2020 - Elders - Part 2: Identity - Titus 1:5-9
Who are elders in the church? This sermon looks at the calling and competency of those who serve as elders.
06/28/2020 - A Biblical Remedy for Racism and Riots - Ephesians 6:10-20 - Part 3
This passage in Ephesians provides a remedy for our culture and resolution for the Church and Christian in the throes of our current cultural ills.
06/21/2020 - Biblical Reflections on Racism and Riots (Cultural Marxism) - 1 Chronicles 12:32 - Part 2
Worldviews matter and ideas have consequences. This sermon explores the philosophy behind today’s culture - Cultural Marxism and why matters to the church.
06/14/2020 - A Biblical Response to, Reflections on, and Remedy for Racism and Riots - Part 1 - Micah 6:8
Part 1 of a three part series examining the pressing issues of today’s culture. This sermon identifies the sin of racism and rioting.
05/31/2020 - Regathered: The Blessings of Being Back Together - Colossians 4:7-18
05/17/2020 - Deo Volente - James 4:13-17
05/03/2020 - Now What? - Joshua 1:1-9
04/26/2020 - The Truth of Trials - James 1:2-12
04/19/2020 - God’s Voice in the Virus - Luke 13:1-9
04/12/2020 - Because He Lives - Revelation 1:9-20
04/05/2020 - Joining Jesus on the Journey - Luke 9:21-26, 43-62
03/29/2020 - Our Dwelling Place - Psalm 91
03/22/2020 - Do Not Be Anxious - Matthew 6:25-34
03/15/2020 - A Very Present Help - Psalm 46
03/08/2020 - Elders: Overseers of the Flock - Plurality - Titus 1:5-9
Elders are charged by God to oversee the church of Jesus Christ. This sermon series will explore the role of elders in the church and examine the plurality, identity, and responsibility of elders according to Scripture.
03/01/2020 - DNOW: Known - The Good Shepherd - John 10:1-30
Jesus is the faithful and good shepherd. He knows his sheep.
02/16/2020 - Be the Church: A Praying Church - Luke 18:1-8
The importance of prayer in the life of the church and Christian cannot go overstated. “There is no substitute for prayer.” Leonard Ravenhill said, “The true church lives and moves and has its being in prayer.” To be the church we must pray!
02/09/2020 - Be the Church: A Giving Church - Luke 12:32-34
Jesus spoke often about money, riches, and treasures. Why was that? Because there is a close connection between our faith and finances. Generosity and giving should mark the people of God.
02/02/2020 - Be the Church: A Going Church - Philippians 4:10-23
Paul’s letter to the Philippians teaches us a very important theological truth….You can’t separate the gospel from missions. If we’re going to be a gospel people, a gospel church that means we’re going to be a missions minded church too.
01/26/2020 - Be the Church: A Serving Church - John 13:1-17
Jesus is grabbing our attention through his actions in our text! He is smacking us between the eyes with his example of service and calling us to be serving people. To be the church we must serve. But often finding people to serve in the church is one of the greatest hurdles we face.
01/19/2020 - Be the Church: A Worshipping Church - Psalm 95
Worship is both glorious and dangerous. Psalm 95 instructs us on how we can worship well before the Lord.
01/12/2020 - Be the Church: A Sharing Church - 2 Corinthians 5:11-6:2
Want to share the gospel of Jesus with others? Here are four essentials you must know.
01/05/2020 - Be the Church: A Welcoming Church - Romans 12:13; Hebrews 13:1-2
Hospitality matters! And it has to go beyond the greeter and usher ministries of the church.
12/1/2019 - Christmas Countdown: 4000 Years ‘Til Christmas
Anticipation is one of the most exciting things about Christmas. The Bible shares in that anticipation of Christmas. The suspense of the Christmas story starts early. The countdown to Christmas in Scripture begins in Genesis 3, roughly 4000 years before Christmas!
11/24/2019 - Psalm 136 - Give Thanks
Giving thanks is a way of life for a believer. Psalm 136 calls us to continual thanks not just for what God has done, but who God is.
11/17/2019 - Matthew 24:1-14 - On Mission to the End
Matthew 24 is one of the most debated chapters in all of Scripture. However, its words are not meant to create speculation but anticipation, as we discover the inseparable link between missions and the return of Christ.