Open up the doors…

“Lift up your heads, O gates! and be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in.
Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD, mighty in battle!”
Psalm 24:7-8


Do know what today is?

Yes, it’s Thursday, May 9, 2024. But did you know that means it’s forty days after Easter. Which means today marks the ascension of Jesus back to heaven! (Acts 1:1-3, 9-11; Luke 24:50-53)

Chances are you probably didn’t make the connection. The ascension of Christ may be the most ignored aspect of his ministry. This is the case despite it being mentioned, prophesied, or referenced at least 46 times in the Bible, both New and Old Testaments. When we think of the work of Christ, we often truncate it. Emphasis is given (not incorrectly) to the crucifixion and resurrection, with the ascension often overlooked, if not forgotten entirely. 

However, the ascension of Christ is not only a great FACT of the New Testament, but a great FACTOR in the life of Christ and Christians, and no complete view of the faith is possible unless the ascension is included.


Psalm 24 is a glorious song! Many commentators believe the historical setting of these words penned by David may have been his retrieval of the Ark of the Covenant and the subsequent arrival in Jerusalem (see 2 Samuel 6:11-15). However, the church has long understood this song of celebration pointing to an even greater arrival—the ascension of Christ.  The text calls for heavenly doors and gates to be flung wide because the King of Glory is returning. Who is that King? It is the LORD who has prevailed victoriously in battle!

That’s exactly who Jesus is and what he has done! In the cross and resurrection Jesus has defeated the enemy (Colossians 2:15; Hebrews 2:14; Genesis 3:15) and demonstrated his identity (Romans 1:4; Psalm 110:1; Philippians 2:5-11).

All of heaven rejoiced when the King of Glory returned! If Heaven celebrated the ascension of Christ, then it must be right that we should too.


Here are five accompanying causes for celebrating the ascension of Christ:

1.      Christ’s Glorification

The ascension is not just the return of Christ to heaven, but the reunion of the Father and Son. With the Son now in the form he has taken on as the God-man (Philippians 2:5-11).

Think about the reunion videos that we have all seen with service men and women who have been deployed. They and their loved ones are overcome with emotion and joy at the reuniting. With this image in mind, Sinclair Ferguson writes, “Now magnify that scene until all the ransomed host of heaven is visible in your mind’s eye…. feel the sheer glory of the moment. There is an explosion of praise: the Lord, strong and mighty in battle—the Son of the Father—the Crucified and Risen One—he has come home in triumph! Heaven itself is filled with a sense of joy and wonder that he has triumphed over the unimaginable onslaught of all the forces of darkness and evil.”

In this reunion Christ is receiving the glory for which he prayed (John 17.1-5). He is now returning having fulfilled the Father’s plan and reuniting with Him as the triumphant God-man! Christ left the world in similar fashion to how he entered. Born, he was wrapped in swaddling cloths—a sign he was the sent one. Now he leaves this world wrapped again, but this time in a cloud (Acts 1:9)—the Shekinah glory of God (Exodus 16:10; Numbers 16:42). Ferguson says, “He entered heaven wrapped in glory!” A sign that he is the victorious one!

 2.      Christ’s Coronation

The ascension brings about the coronation of Christ as King overall. Ascended now to heaven he sits—enthroned—at the right hand of God the Father Almighty (Hebrews 1:3-4; Psalm 110:1). He sits upon the throne ruling and reigning as the God-man over all.

This fulfills God’s design for mankind. God commanded Adam to rule and reign over creation, but Adam failed in sin. However, Christ the true and faithful son of God has succeeded. Now by his ascension and corresponding coronation Christ is exercising his rule and reign as the God-man over all things.

 3.      Christ’s Mediation

Christ absence from us by his ascent to Heaven doesn’t mean an absence of his service. He is active in his ascended power and position in the heavenly temple on our behalf. As our great high priest He has presented his perfect sacrifice and is mediating before the throne of God on behalf of believers (Hebrews 4:14-16; Romans 8:34).

It is because of Christ’s ascension we sing, “Before the throne of God above, I have a strong and perfect plea. A great High Priest whose name is love, who ever lives and pleads for me!”

 4.      Christ’s Allocation

Jesus ascended so that he may send us the Holy Spirit (John 16:7; Acts 2:33). Had Jesus not gone to Heaven then the Spirit would not have been sent. So, Jesus went up that the Spirit may come down.

5.      Christ’s Restoration

In his ascension Jesus is preparing and working to make all things new! Upon his arrival into Heaven, Jesus is deemed worthy to take the scroll and bring this world to an end for the glory of his name and the good of his ransomed people (Revelation 5; Philippians 3:20-21). He is preparing that place and will come again so that where he is we may be also!

Jesus, who ascended into glory, will one day return in like fashion (Acts 1:11)! Until that day let’s remember and celebrate the good news of Christ’s ascension!

Lifted up was he to die;
"It is finished!" was his cry;
now in heaven exalted high.
Hallelujah! What a Savior!


Happy Reformation Day!


Men…lift your voice and SING!